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Our outside birds once again survived well over the winter. Unfortunately the }{\b Silkie chickens}{ and }{\b Golden Pheasants}{ did not get moved to the outside front flights as had been planned. When it came time to move them those flights were too muddy. Hopefully next year they can be moved so the morning crews do not have to struggle with those frozen locks. \par Our }{\b cockatiels and finches}{ have been busy breeding lately. You should soon be able to hear the cockatiel babies when you go into their cage. Lots of baby finches too. \par We also have some colourful new additions to our finch flight. A pair of }{\b African Fire Finches }{and a pair of }{\b St. Helena Waxbills }{were recently donated to the Aviary by }{\b Marg Huntsberger. }{ To learn more about these birds look for the signs posted on the finch flight. Thank you Marg for these pretty new additions. \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\f16\fs16 \par }{\f1\fs22 ON THE NET \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f1 Contributors }{\b\f1 Caroline Fehr and Chris White}{\f1 have been busy keeping us informed of interesting bird related web sites. \par }{\b\i\f1 Caroline recommends the following}{\f1 : \par }{\field{\*\fldinst {\f1 HYPERLINK http://www.budgieresearch.homestead.com/pssitalinguistics.html }{\f1 {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b0200000017000000380000007700770077002e00620075006400670069006500720065007300650061007200630068002e0068006f006d006500730074006500610064002e0063006f006d002f007000730073006900740061006c0069006e006700750069007300740069006300 73002e00680074006d006c000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b7e00000068007400740070003a002f002f007700770077002e00620075006400670069006500720065007300650061007200630068002e0068006f006d006500730074006500610064002e0063006f006d002f007000730073006900740061006c 0069006e00670075006900730074006900630073002e00680074006d006c000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 www.budgieresearch.homestead.com/pssitalinguistics.html}}}{\f1 \par about a Budgie named Victor. \par }{\field\fldedit{\*\fldinst {\f1 HYPERLINK http://www.birdlife.org/new/2004/10/yellow-crested_cockatoo.html }{\f1 {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000170000003a0000007700770077002e0062006900720064006c006900660065002e006f00720067002f006e00650077002f0032003000300034002f00310030002f00790065006c006c006f0077002d0063007200650073007400650064005f0063006f0063006b006100 74006f006f002e00680074006d006c000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b8200000068007400740070003a002f002f007700770077002e0062006900720064006c006900660065002e006f00720067002f006e00650077002f0032003000300034002f00310030002f00790065006c006c006f0077002d00630072 00650073007400650064005f0063006f0063006b00610074006f006f002e00680074006d006c000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 www.birdlife.org/news/news/2004/10/yellow-crested_cockatoo.html}}}{\f1 tells more about the wild status of the Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Toby is the Aviary's Lesser Sulphur. \par }{\field{\*\fldinst {\f1 HYPERLINK http://www.spca.bc.ca/animalissues/parrot.asp }{\f1 {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b0200000017000000270000007700770077002e0073007000630061002e00620063002e00630061002f0061006e0069006d0061006c006900730073007500650073002f0070006100720072006f0074002e006100730070000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b5c000000 68007400740070003a002f002f007700770077002e0073007000630061002e00620063002e00630061002f0061006e0069006d0061006c006900730073007500650073002f0070006100720072006f0074002e006100730070000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 www.spca.bc.ca/animalissues/parrot.asp}}}{\f1 gives some good information on what to consider before buying a bird. \par }{\b\i\f1 Chris has suggested}{\i\f1 : \par }{\field{\*\fldinst {\f1 HYPERLINK http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1351142004 }{\f1 {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000170000003a00000068007400740070003a002f002f006500640069006e00620075007200670068006e006500770073002e00730063006f00740073006d0061006e002e0063006f006d002f0069006e006400650078002e00630066006d003f00690064003d0031003300 350031003100340032003000300034000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b7400000068007400740070003a002f002f006500640069006e00620075007200670068006e006500770073002e00730063006f00740073006d0061006e002e0063006f006d002f0069006e006400650078002e00630066006d003f0069 0064003d00310033003500310031003400320030003000340000000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=1351142004}}}{\f1 is about finch smuggling and \par }{\field{\*\fldinst {\f1 HYPERLINK http://dsc.discovery.com/news/afp/20041122/pigeons.html }{\f1 {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000170000003800000068007400740070003a002f002f006400730063002e0064006900730063006f0076006500720079002e0063006f006d002f006e006500770073002f006100660070002f00320030003000340031003100320032002f0070006900670065006f006e00 73002e00680074006d006c000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b7000000068007400740070003a002f002f006400730063002e0064006900730063006f0076006500720079002e0063006f006d002f006e006500770073002f006100660070002f00320030003000340031003100320032002f0070006900670065 006f006e0073002e00680074006d006c0000000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 http://dsc.discovery.com/news/afp/20041122/pigeons.html}}}{\f1 is an interesting piece on pigeon navigation theory. \par Thank you Caroline & Chris for all your information. \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\fs16 \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {\f17\fs22 AVIAN ADOPTIONS \par }\pard \widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrdb\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {Our "Adoption" family just keeps growing! \par Volunteer }{\b Carrie Hamilton }{started out the New Year by adopting }{\b\i Mya, }{\b the Double Yellow Headed Amazon. }{Thanks Carrie for donating both time and money to the Aviary. \par Other new Aviary parents are }{\b Dianne & Harvey Zaturski of Welland }{who adopted our female }{\b Red Crowned Kakariki. }{Also the }{\b 68}{\b\super th}{\b Hamilton Sparks }{adopted a }{\b Silkie Chicken }{after a recent tour of the Aviary. \par }{\b\i Welcome to all our new "family" members! \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par \par \par \par \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\fs28 NEWSLETTER \par MARCH / APRIL 2005 \par }{\b\i\fs24 Editor - Marion Bryner \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright { \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\fs22 DAN'S NEW BEDFELLOW \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {An uninvited nocturnal visitor is giving an exhausted North Devon (England) animal trainer the bird! \par Late-night callers to his room at the Combe Martin Wildlife Park have prevented sea lion keeper Dan Routhorn from getting much sleep. But no amount of locks or bars will keep them out - because these admirers can fly! \par Toscar, one of the park's free-flying cockatoos, has discovered snuggling up next to someone in bed is preferable to snoozing on a drafty perch. \par In the tradition of all the best "stalkers", Dan's nightmare began with a tapping on the window - then one storm night he made the fatal mistake of letting one in\'85 \par "Toscar came and stood on the windowsill a nd I just did not have the heart to leave him out there," said the harried trainer. "He literally jumped into the room, got on the pillow and crashed out. For a week after that he totally bugged me - cockatoos actually develop crushes, it's quite strang e. He would sit on the sill, tapping with his beak and squawking. He got in a few times after that and got to be a bit obsessed in the end - it was almost like being in an Alfred Hitchcock film!" \par Keepers clipped the eight-year-old Umbrella cockatoo's wings slightly, to limit nocturnal roaming - unfortunately; Toscar has simply learned to climb a tree outside Dan's room instead. \par And it is rumoured an African Grey parrot has been seen flying in that direction, too\'85.. \par }{\i The above was submitted by Caroline Fehr who found it on the North Devon Gazette website: \par }{\field{\*\fldinst {\i HYPERLINK http://www.northdevongazette.co.uk }{\i {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000170000001c0000007700770077002e006e006f007200740068006400650076006f006e00670061007a0065007400740065002e0063006f002e0075006b000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b4800000068007400740070003a002f002f007700770077002e00 6e006f007200740068006400650076006f006e00670061007a0065007400740065002e0063006f002e0075006b002f00000000000000636172000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 www.northdevongazette.co.uk}}}{\i \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {\f16\fs24 OUR BIRDS \par }\pard \widctlpar\brdrt\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrsh\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {\b\ul Cockatiels - }{\b (Nymphicus hollandicusi) \par }{The Aviary has 6 pairs of breeding cockatiels and one hand tamed bird. The hand held is a 4-year-old female named Tiel who was donated to the Aviary a few months ago by volunteer Addie Sorrel. Cockatiels are native to Australia and are a distant cousin to Cockatoos. In the wild the birds are mainly gray and white with a yellow head and orange cheek patches. They have been bred in captivity however to many different varieties. To see some of these varieties look at the chart posted in the Aviary across from the Galah flight. \par Cockatiels can live 15 to 20 years. They are easily tamed and some even learn to talk. \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\f1\fs16\ul \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {\b\i\f1\fs16\ul NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS \par }{\b\f1\fs16 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER IS \par April 15, 2005 \par SUBMISSIONS CAN BE LEFT AT THE AVIARY OR SENT BY \par E-MAIL TO }{\field\flddirty{\*\fldinst {\b\f1\fs16 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] }{\b\f1 {\*\datafield 00d0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b02000000170000001500000074006200720079006e00650072004000730079006d00700061007400690063006f002e00630061000000e0c9ea79f9bace118c8200aa004ba90b380000006d00610069006c0074006f003a0074006200720079006e00650072004000730079006d00 700061007400690063006f002e00630061000000000000000000000000}}}{\fldrslt {\cs15\ul\cf2 [email protected]}}}{\b\f1\fs16 \par Get your newsletter on line too - just send us your address}{\fs22 \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\f1\fs22\ul HELLO FROM ANN-MARIE \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\fs18 Many volunteers may remember }{\b\f1\fs18 Ann-Marie Westgate }{\f1\fs18 who was an enthusiastic volunteer at the Aviary until she left to work in England. Ann-Marie is on our newsletter e-mail list and sent the following letter to us after receiving the article about the Aviary from Parrot Magazine. \par }{\i\f1 Hi Marion, \par Thanks for the article. Even though I am living in the UK, I don't normally buy these magazines - they are pretty expensive and typically just make me homesick for the Hamilton Aviary! Let me know if anyone wants me to see if I can find a copy or two on the bookshelves to send over to them. \par Things are going well in the UK. I still have my budgie Poppy. I miss my friend Puff though I probably would no t buy a Ringneck in England. There are several colonies of escaped Ringnecks and they are considered a pest and are slowly destroying the habitats of the native British birds. \par Have been bird watching and have seen the British Kingfisher for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It is a spectacular vibrant blue colour. Went hunting for puffins in Wales in August but I was about 1 week too late and they had all left the nest. \par Say hi to all my friends for me, especially Tammy & Scott. \par Thanks! Ann-Marie \par }{\f1 \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\f15\fs22\ul DAY LEADERS MEETING \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\f1\fs18 On February 22, the Day Crew leaders met at the Aviary. Among the issues discussed at the meeting were a review of daily procedures, the new menus, overfeeding & pellet monitoring and a policy & procedures manual. Thanks to everyone who came out to the meeting. \par The minutes of the meeting will be posted at the Aviary but if you have any questions about it please speak to your crew leader. \par }{\fs18 \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp80 \adjustright {\f16\fs28 DATES TO REMEMBER \par }{\f16\fs16 \par }{\b\f15\fs22\ul VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION NIGHT \par }{\b\f15\fs22 Thursday, April 21 \par }{\f15\fs22 At Parkdale School \par }{\b\f15\fs22 139 Parkdale North \par }{\f15\fs22 (at the corner of Roxborough) \par }{\b\f15\fs22 6:15 p.m. \par }{\f15\fs22 Light Supper followed by \par a Speaker (to be announced) \par }{\f1\fs16 \par }{\f1\fs22 All volunteers are invited}{\fs22 . \par -------------------------------------------- \par Mark your calendar \par }{\b\i\fs22 THE FRIENDS OF THE AVIARY \par ANNUAL SPRING FAIR \par COMING \par SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2005 \par }\pard \widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrdashdotstr\brdrw60\brsp80 \adjustright {\fs16 \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\adjustright {\b\i\fs22\ul \par "PUFF" - THE NOVEL \par }\pard \widctlpar\adjustright {\i Volunteer }{\b\i Mike Algera }{\i has written a children's story starring a male Indian Ringneck Parakeet based on our female Ringneck Puff.}{\b\i }{\i Here is what Mike has to say about his novel: \par }{\b\i\fs22\ul Puff}{\fs22 }{is the first fictional novel I have ever written. It was originally intended for children, however I am not excluding adult readers from reading my tale. \par This past summer of 2004 I had been volunteering my services at the Aviary. I have been feeding, interacting and have gotten very attached to the birds. I have dedicated myself to work there on weekends on a permanent basis. I very much enjoy working at the Aviary and have been encouraging others to visit, support, or even work there. \par Puff}{\b }{(the Indian Ringneck) was def initely my inspiration for writing my young readers' novel. My story about Puff is a fictional fable with an element of truth. It all occurred two summers ago. Puff escaped from the aviary but her little expedition to see the outside world was cut shor t due to an encounter with a flock of seagulls. She was found and brought back to the Aviary, a survivor of a vicious attack. When I read about Puff's incident in the newspaper, I conjured up an idea of my first novel. Here is a short plot summary: \par }{\i\f1 "Puff escapes the aviary and goes on an incredible, yet perilous quest for his homeland of India. This determined ambitious little bird would stop at nothing to reach his destination. What Puff should not have done was take the most dangerous road in the Gra nd Forest. A great evil lurks there in shadows, deep in the bowels of the earth." \par }{Every weekend I have studied Puff's behaviour and have been interacting with her. She seems to love to hear the sound of a human voice and listens attentively. I'm happy to say that showing my undivided attention towards Puff has paid off, for a healthy companionship is definitely in progress. In due time, I might gain Puff's full trust. I held Puff for the first time in October, though I had to bribe her with food, jus t to have her sit on my fingers for a brief moment. Anyway, like I mentioned before, Puff was my inspiration for my novel. I thank all my crew leaders and volunteer workers for sharing all their knowledge with me about the birds and about the Aviary in g eneral. I began writing my story on July 17, 2004, and I finished it on September 20, 2004. I hope that all you fellow readers and writers; young or old, bird lover and nature lovers will enjoy my work. \par }{\b\i If you would like to read Mike's novel he is leaving a copy of it at the Aviary. The first 3 chapters are there now. \par }\pard \qc\widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {\b\i BIRD HUMOUR? \par }\pard \widctlpar\brdrt\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrdashsm\brdrw10\brsp80 \adjustright {\fs18 - Two vultures were in the desert eating a dead clown. The first vulture asks the second, "Does this taste funny to you?" \par }{\i\fs18 - Why does a chicken coop have two doors? If it had four doors it would be a sedan! \par }{\fs18 - Question: Why did the chicken cross the road? Answer: to prove to the Opossum that it could be done. \par }{\i\fs18 - A duck walks into a drug store and buys some chapstick. The clerk says, "Will that be cash or charge?" The duck says, "Just put it on my bill." \par }{\fs18 - A Frenchman walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender asks, "Where did you get that thing?" The parrot replies, "In France, there are millions of them!" \par }{\i\fs18 Contributed by volunteer Chris White \par }}